Malpractice Podcast
Malpractice Podcast
#5.18: Dr. Thomas Neill Cream (Medical Serial Killer)
For the LAST episode of Season 5, Syd & Jess will tell you the story of the late 19th century Medical Serial Killer (MSK), Dr. Thomas Neill Cream. Also known as the "Lambeth Poisoner", Dr. Cream's last words before he was put to death by hanging was "I am Jack...." which some believe was his attempt to claim credit for the infamous crimes of Jack the Ripper. Whether that's true or he's just a mustachioed drama queen, this story is still a wild ride.
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Sources for this episode:
Music from Uppbeat: https://uppbeat.io/t/danijel-zambo/fairytales
License code: ZQGXUZWNXEBLK6Y0